Veterans Day brings a time of remembrance and thanks for the sacrifices made for our freedom.
As the month of November approaches, we all think of the same special holiday “Thanksgiving”. Each November there is another special holiday that celebrates thankfulness, and that holiday is Veteran’s Day. Veteran’s Day celebrates the service of our veterans (past and present) to protect our world, and make it a better place.
The Tanglewood Group honored our veterans that have sacrificed, so that we can live free.
Comfort Today hosted a Veteran’s Day luncheon on November 10th to honor all of our veterans. We had approximately twenty-five veterans that enjoyed a wonderful lunch prepared by our dietary department. We indulged in sliced roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, and delicious cherry pie for dessert. There were veterans from many different wars, and many different branches of service. We had veterans from the Army, the Army Air Corp, the Navy, Navy Reserves, and the Air Force. Our veterans also served during a variety of different wars (and also during peace time). We had veterans from the Korean War, Vietnam, and World War II. Although they all served in different branches, and different wars, that had one common thread, they sacrificed a part of their freedom – for ours. Our luncheon was one way to show our appreciation for their service.
Tom Powers – our local ombudsman and a Veteran himself, was the guest speaker for the event. After a time of sharing stories and conversation, our veterans closed the event by singing “God Bless America”.Thank you to all of our military, past and present, for protecting our country and keeping us free.