Comfort Today May Look Back
Each month we write an article about all the fun things that we do at Comfort Today. This month we wanted to talk about some of the special members that we are fortunate enough to share our day with.

One of our members is so excited to give her blanket away
We had some yarn donated to us by a family member that had recently lost a loved one. In order to say thank you, a staff member hoped to have a blanket made out of the donated yarn as a remembrance. We are proud to say that when we asked one of the members to make this blanket, she excitedly took on the task, and is pictured here with the finished blanket.
Every month we use our Comfort Today money that we have earned from attending activities to shop at our “CT Auction.” This month, one of my members could not be there, so another member bought her a bag of chocolate, so they she wouldn’t feel left out. Although we do a lot of fun things at Comfort Today, we really enjoy our time together because we have such a great group of individuals that make up our friend group at Comfort Today.
We were very excited to take our very first outing to the Beef and Barrel in Olean. We had not taken a lengthy trip like this yet, and have been waiting for the warm weather to venture out a little further than normal. We had heard some very positive reviews, and were looking forward to trying it out for ourselves! We had such a great time and thought the food was just delicious! We can’t wait to see where our next trip takes us!
Speaking of warm weather, we couldn’t have had a more beautiful day to enjoy our first picnic of the year. We celebrated Memorial Day by enjoying BBQ chicken, and watermelon at the Louis Ferreri Park.
We are looking forward to all of the fun events that the summer has to offer, including the beginning of the Summer Concert Series held at our park. We’d love to extend a welcome to all family and friends from Comfort Today to join us in all the fun we’ll have this summer!