Tanglewood Manor January Look Back
What a winter wonderland we’ve had this past January!! Happy New Year to all!! We had a pleasant birthday party with our favorite harmonica player, Angelo Alaimo. We also baked up some delicious treats for January as we put our baking and decorating skills to use. We made “Frozen” cupcakes, nuts and bolts candy, strawberry muffins, mug cakes, and rice krispies treats. Our very own Golden Gems had their own fundraiser of PJs and Pancakes. They made pancakes and served them with a delicious buffet of everyone’s favorite toppings.
We always look forward to our entertainment here at Tanglewood Manor. We welcomed back King’s Express, had a sing along with our Golden Gems director Spencer Drake, and sang along with Rick Bruening. We also enjoyed performances by Cindy Sue and Lucille Shurkus. We enjoy making our own entertainment here as we played musical masterpieces. Almost like musical chairs with a twist, we swapped drawings to make a picture before the music stopped. Such interesting pieces we made!
We kept warm and listened to wonderful short stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul, as we sipped on hot cocoa. We made lovely Chocolate Chip Mug Cakes during our Tea Party. We munched on delicious Pepperkaker cookies as we “traveled” to Sweden during our Armchair Travels and watched a wonderful video and learned a lot about the country. We played a fun few rounds of Snowman Slam, and gobbled up some fast food during our Take Out Tuesday. This month we chose Wendy’s! YUM!!
We had a good laugh while working on our crafts this past month. We attempted some fun button bowls. We started off with glue on an upside down balloon. Needless to say the buttons liked to slide down the balloons, but the laughs were contagious! We played with nail polish and dipped some coffee mugs in the nail polish to give them a nice marble look. They turned out beautiful!
We had quite the chilly January but we are so happy to have such a great start to what will be a great 2019! We are excited and will be so full of love in February. We will have some fun new activities to try as well as crafts and baking!! If you have any questions or comments about any upcoming activities, please contact Jessica Paprocki, Activities Director (716)483-2876, extension 2222. Or email at JPaprocki@tanglewoodmanor.com.