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Comfort Today September Look Back

The month of September brought cooler temperatures, and that made our Croquet Club even more fun. Our members were really surprised at how much our Tanglewood friends had improved since our last meeting. The first Tanglewood opponent went thru six hoops in one turn, and the second Tanglewood opponent went thru four hoops.  Our Comfort team was definitely at a disadvantage, but we came up with the third place spot at the finish.  A great job by all of our Croquet competitors!  We have such much fun playing Croquet outdoors with our Tanglewood friends!

Every year, we look forward to our annual spaghetti dinner. We always use fresh herbs (grown in our garden cart).  This year we tried some new recipes, and they got definite thumbs up!

Sometimes we tend to have more parties at Comfort than we can keep up with. September seems to be one of those months. You wouldn’t think it would, but we also had to kick off the football season, so we needed to celebrate with a Tailgate Party!

Comfort Today enjoyed an indoor campfire sing a long at Memory Garden. Unfortunately, weather didn’t permit us to hold it outdoors, but this time our members were excited to try some of our “gourmet smores” like the “Nutty Buddy”, “The Grasshopper”, and the “Salted Caramel”.

We ended the month with our annual outing to Aunt Millie’s Family Restaurant. Our members took home some of their infamous desserts.  Everyone enjoyed seeing all the rows of grapes as we took the scenic route back to Comfort Today.

Our members had a fun-filled summer, and look forward to all the new outings and activities that we have planned for the fall. If you have any questions or comments about any upcoming activities, please contact Roxanne Vanstrom at (716)338-0500, or email at